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Happy New Year ! from PlanetCypher to all our readership

Well its that time again the start of the year, what have we got in-store for this year to come we wonder ?

Well here are a few thoughts and predictions for the year ahead.

1. Don't forget CES held annually in the US, so we will see what the manufactures have in-store for us by the end of 2011 into 2012

2. 3D Tv ? I don't think this really is the year for 3D to go main, main stream, having said that alot of 3D capable sets will be sold just by virtue of the 3D features being included.

3. NFC enabled handsets. Google has the NFC reader in the new Nexus S, will apple follow suit ? there was talk of apple's next iPhone or poss an iOS devise having NFC included.

4. iPhone 4 CDMA Not sure if this is official or not.

5. iPadV2 I hope there will be front face camera, almost defiantly a rear face camera, reports of a smaller bezzle but i hope the screen size stays the same, i don't like the smaller 7" android powered Tab form factor.

6. Defiantly the year of the tablet, Microsoft tablet ? defiantly a windows powered devise with ubuntu already announced, expect a glut of android devises, maybe an official google tablet?

7. 1080p projectors, its about time the prices starting dropping.

8. Apps, With an explosion of Android handsets on the market expect the android app store to massively grow, apple is so happy with its app store they're going to incorperate it into there next version of OS X Lion

9. Google Tv ? Don't think so, google has already scaled back this product much to dismay of its business partners who must have been gearing up for a push of the product this year.

10. Here in the UK we have the 2012 Olympics so expect alot of data centric devices and services this coming year to emerge, talk of networks on the tube and channel tunnel, weather these are WiFi data services WiMax, LTE (collectively now know as 4G) or just mobile (cell) phone coverage. I would imagine a data backbone with some sort of mini cell technology.

11. Femto Cells, Vodafone have one but that's about it so far, high time for networks to alow this type of connection and some rev share would be nice for open public use ? although i can see this happening as the networks have to offer a certain level of service, which i couldn't to if privately owned femto cells are open publicly.

12. ev Electric Vehicle's or electric cars if you will. The nissan Leaf in the UK is the first mass produced ev designed from the ground up to be sold in the UK, I'm sure more manufacturers will release ev's later in the year.

1 comment:

  1. 11. Femto Cells ... "although i can see this happening"

    This is ment to read "although i can't see this happening"
